Online courses now available! New 2025 Studio Course dates added.

London wig making classes had a truly international feel on our seven day intensive wig making course. It was a full house consisting of students who where attending from all around the globe. This dynamic group of people all came together for a full week of learning with the shared goal of studying the art of postiche making and certainly turning London wig making classes well and truly global.


London wig making classes, wig making, intensive wig course


5 International People In Our London Wig Making Classes


Five very special people shared The Wigs And Makeup Studio space during our 7 day intensive wig making course. This course was originally set up to accommodate a request from Sergio in Mexico. He asked if we could squeeze all of our short wig making courses together to form one intensive package. Of course we could and of course we did.


wam studio, wig making students, wig making in London


Our London Wig Making Classes Received A Global Audience


From the birth of this 7 day intensive wig making course, wig making in the capital and London wig making classes catapulted itself into the world and to a global audience. Bookings came in from China, Brazil and Portugal (our UK residents original birth countries). Sharon flew over all the way from the USA. Not forgetting Sergio who began this whole international adventure and who travelled over to the UK from Mexico.


We had to keep this alliance quiet from Donald Trump though as I don’t need a wall built down the middle of my workshop thank you.


head form, wig making, block padding


Complete Beginners On Our 7 Day Intensive Wig Making Class


All five amazing students were complete beginners when they first entered the WAM Studio doors, but all had an infectious passion for learning. So let the London wig making classes commence.


full lace wig foundation, lace wig base, full lace wig


A fantastic 7 days ensued where the students were lead from humble beginnings of how to knot and the basic wig making techniques. We then jumped straight in and created a full lace wig foundation, after taking head measurements and blocking up a custom head form. The week was finished off with the knotting techniques to ventilate the entire full lace wig. For London wig making classes please visit The wigs And Makeup Studio website.


wig foundation, wig base, lace base, London wig making


Inspirational Students At WAM Studio


The fantastic 5 worked incredibly hard and each and every one of them produced some amazing work. Very inspirational people and I could see they all have a burning desire to go fourth into the world and produce some beautiful wigs.


ventilating, knotting human hair, hand tied wig


It was my absolute pleasure guiding these people through the wig making process Sergio, Sharon, Vitor, Paula and Julie. I expect to see some wig making work from you all very soon.


wig foundation, Swiss lace, full lace wig base


Happy Whipping!


Philip Carson-Sheard

Wig Making Classes

WAM Studio



This is the fantastic video Sharon Peng created about her experience at WAM Studio on the Intensive Wig Making Class: