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Here is a wig making tip when creating your lace wig foundation. Use a flat seam when attaching your fine wig lace to the front of your full lace foundation. Using this wig Making tip will ensure a finer finish and is easier to hide when knotting or ventilating hair into the wig base.


wig making, wig tip, wig seam


Wig Base Folded Seam Versus Flat Seam


In my previous blog and my wig making tip on folded seams, I discussed creating a secure folded seam.

A folded seam in the general method when creating a full lace wig foundation. Folded seams are stronger by definition and securely attach all the pieces of Swiss lace together to ensure a solid wig base.

However, folded seams appear dark and stand out due to the four layers of Swiss lace required to secure them.


flat seam, wig making, wig making classes


These folded seams are easy to cover when knotting or ventilating hair into the wig base at the back and main body.

The problem happens when using a folded seam at the front of your lace foundation. Finer knotting/ ventilating is required and it is difficult to hide the seam shadow when knotting finely.

This is a particular problem if knotting or ventilating with blonde or white hair, so my wig making tip is to use a flat seam at the front.


Wig Making Tip: Use A Flat Seam


A flat seam is simply the two layers of lace overlapped by approximately eight holes. Count two holes in from each side and whip two ‘tram’ lines down the centre. In between the two lines there will be a four hole distance.


wig making tip, wig making, wig classes


Wig Making Tip: BEWARE


It is extremely important not to whip right on the raw edge of the foundation lace. A two hole clearance must be observed from the edge. By whipping right on the edge the seam will have little strength and will split:



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By using this wig making tip and observing a two hole clearance each side, the seam will be strong no secure.


So that is my wig making tip for today. Using a flat seam at the front of your custom made wig base. It will be a dream to cover when knotting/ ventilating and give you a fabulous final finish


Happy wig making


Philip Carson-Sheard
Wig Making Classes
WAM Studio