Online courses now available! New 2025 Studio Course dates added.

Wig Making Classes and wig making featured heavily at this year’s UMAE (The United Makeup Artist’s Expo) at London’s Novotel Convention Centre in Hammersmith. Very good news indeed and WAM Studio were delighted to have our very own stand. We certainly met some brilliant people there. The talent during this year’s UMAE was astounding and The Wigs And Makeup Studio were very honoured to be involved. It was an incredibly exciting event. We got to showcase WAM Studio and all the wig making classes that we deliver right here in London.


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Wig Making Classes London From WAM Studio


This was the first year that WAM Studio had attended UMAE. At WAM Studio we offer short and affordable wig making classes which are perfect for the industry professional and beginner alike.  At UMAE 2017 we were discussing with great enthusiasm, all things wig making and all the wig making classes we offer in London at our studio in Peckham.


We were completely blown away from the amount of interest we received from makeup artists, hair stylists, body painters, sfx makeup artists, wig dressers and students alike.


wam studio, wig making classes london


In recent reports from articles online, it has been suggested that the art of wig making is a dying. This maybe true but we think it is due to the lack of education offered out there. Here at WAM Studio we absolutely want to address this problem. It is our mission to train a new generation of wig makers for our industry. From all the positive feedback and responses we gained from the attendees at UMAE, one thing is crystal clear.  People still have a desire to learn the craft but don’t know where to look for wig making classes. Well look no further. The Wigs And Makeup Studio is your one stop shop for all things wig making and wig making classes.


Make Your Own Wig At WAM Studio


The wigs And Makeup Studio would like to invite anyone wanting to take wig making classes to our studio in South London.  There we will make beautiful wigs together. Our offer at WAM Studio is to deliver industry standard wig making classes with the added support of our online WAM Community. The WAM Studio Community group will support you way into the future. Offering invaluable help anytime you may need it. That’s our commitment to you.


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What have we learned from our weekend at UMAE?  There is a desire from all areas of our amazing and dynamic industry to take wig making classes. Industry folk want to develop individual skills in all things wigs and wig making. We met some amazing people at the UMAE event and together let the wig making commence.


Wig Making Corner


At UMAE 2017 wig making had it’s very own little corner. It was a total pleasure to share it with like minded exhibitors at the UMAE event.


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The Wig Department


The lovely Chrissie who is the founder of the online store. A one stop shop for all your wig making needs. Chrissie sells everything you will ever need to make wigs.  Along with other fantastic products to help you set and style them too.


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Chrissie is also one of the leading wig making forces in the industry and has made wigs for many years.


Sarah Weatherburn


Chrissie also had Sarah Weatherburn on her stand. The lovely Sarah is the facial hair supremo. She has produced quality facial hair for many film, TV and theatre productions. Sarah’s work probably goes unnoticed to a certain degree, because it is that good.  You would never tell it wasn’t the actors own beard. It was amazing to meet her and see her glorious work in person.


sarah weatherburn, facial hair, knotting




We shared the area with the lovely ladies, Tanya and Cheryl who produced all of the amazing set bags that you may have seen out and about. Their company is called Get-Set-Go Bags. They are also the founders of the Facebook page Westend Wiggies. Definitely a pleasure to meet them. Westend Wiggies is the go to group for all the latest training, jobs and knowledge sharing for all us wig crew working in London’s Westend.


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Until Next Year


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I for one am going to miss being at UMAE.  For sharing our passion for wig making with everyone who attended. Only a year to go and we will definitely be back. Are you interested in wigmaking? Then come and join us at WAM Studio where we will be with you every step of the way. If you can’t wait till next year visit us at where we will look forward to answering any wig making questions.


See you next year UMAE


Philip Carson-Sheard

Wig Making Classes

WAM Studio
