Online courses now available! New 2025 Studio Course dates added.

wam studio student


Teaching Since 2009


‘I dreamed a dream in time gone by. When hope was high and life worth living’ Les Miserables


I have been teaching wig making at a University College since 2009, helping students gain experience in the art of wig making. Every year there are large groups of fresh faced students, all eagerly embarking on their own wig making journey. Every year these boys and girls embark on a three year path, picking up key skills in the various elements of the craft.



Basic Knotting Technique



Year one students cover the basic knotting (ventilating) technique.  For all those picking it up quickly, they progress on to creating their own piece of facial hair.  A moustache or a pair of sideburns.


Year two progresses further into the art of making facial hair, face moulds and beards. Once that is covered they then  begin with the process of making a full wig.


Facial Hair

Knotting Facial Hair


Year three students are catapulted into the realm of the degree level.  A complete full lace foundation wig is made from scratch. All while plotting a character of their choice and putting this character into a fictitious theatre production, presented via two 15 minute talks and backed up with a huge amount of research. All packed into a thirteen week block.

Every year I am truly impressed with each and every one of my students. The work produced within the timescale is amazing.

And every year I become increasingly frustrated with this whole learning process. My degree students’ focus is more about their research and presentations than it is about the practical skills learned from making their wigs.


My Online Discovery


Searching online into the art of wig making and education. I discovered that the experience at my college was reflected throughout other colleges across the country.

Now to be perfectly clear, these colleges offer great practical learning and give an amazing array of skills. When studying at West Thames College in London, I gained a well-rounded background to the hair and makeup for the industry. This knowledge was invaluable and certainly gave me a great start to my career.

The trouble is is that there is so much knowledge to acquire that there simply is not enough time.  When you cram everything into the course curriculum, a lot of the knowledge is skimmed over rather than giving in-depth training of each area.


Is Wig Making Dead? Absolutely Not!


People ask me is wig making a dying art form? Absolutely not!

From the online research it is evident that the colleges out there are keeping the art of wig making alive. However, the art of prostiche making is a complicated process and is a very finely detailed thing. The colleges trying to address this situation are fighting a losing battle. They are only able to dedicate a few hours a term. Simply put, it is not enough time.

Dream of making your own wig. Make it a reality.

The Wig Making Process

Gone are the days of the City and Guilds wig making qualification. This was a full time course in itself and took students through the very detailed methods of prostiche work. This City and Guilds course no longer exists.

How can we expect colleges to get students to a competent level in just a few hours a term? The best that can be gained is a basic knowledge that is then taken by the student into the job market, hopefully to be expanded on later from on the job training.

The colleges teaching wig making definitely give their students the upper hand to that of students not being familiarised with it. The point is, due to time constraints the knowledge is a little too brief.


My Dream


There was my dream. It was bubbling away in the back of my mind. I had a huge desire to address this situation, offering students a chance to gain a detailed, quality learning experience. An experience that would aid those with a desire to embark on a wig making career.

My Reality


Here is my reality. Together with my business partner we opened The Wigs And Makeup Studio in London.  Offering short and affordable courses in all aspects of wig making and facial hair.

WAM Studio

The Wigs And Makeup Studio

The courses on offer address the problems of delivering knowledge to a large group of students in a limited time frame.

At WAM Studio I only ever take small groups of students at any one time. Each student is guided through their chosen classes step by step, only ever concentrating on the practical elements of wig making.

No research and presentations required!


By learning the WAM way, students are able to gain a huge amount of knowledge and skills in a short period of time. By delivering classes this way, learning is maximised.


Students coming to the studio have produced some spectacular work. Every single one of them is gaining industry standard training and creating pieces of work that are truly stunning. It amazes me every time when I see the beautiful, detailed work they all produce.

Problem solved!

My Dream, Your Reality


Turn my dream into your reality by embarking on your own wig making journey with The Wigs And Makeup Studio.  You can feel confident that you will be gaining up to date industry techniques, delivered in a fun and relaxed way and all while giving you a wealth of detailed knowledge.

I won’t leave you high and dry after your time with me either. With the WAM Community support I will  be there well into the future, offering continued advice and help whenever you need it.



Philip x

Wig Making Courses

WAM Studio
