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Styling vintage 1930s hair or 1920s finger waves a Babyliss Hot Stick is a bendy marvel. Heated hot sticks are by far a favourite styling tool of all time. Making short work of session styling or when knocking out vintage hair styles on a film set.  Quickly and easily allowing the user to recreate all those beautiful vintage hair styles from an era of glamour. Producing very crisp and tight curls that are close to the scalp or your wig base. Vintage hair styles and hot sticks are a marriage made in heaven.


hot sticks, babyliss styling tools, hair styling, heated rollers


Get Creating Beautiful Vintage Hair Styles


Babyliss Hot Sticks come in two sizes. A larger size and a small stick. Giving tight curls or super tight curls. They are extraordinarily easy to use. Simply plug into the power socket and allow the sticks to heat up in the hot box. The hair is sectioned in  exactly the same way as for any other roller set. Wrap the point end of the hair section around the hot stick, attached to the centre and  rolled up the hair shaft till the root of the hair is reached. Hair ends or any stray strands can be tucked away quickly with the end of a tail comb.


hot sticks, heated rollers, babyliss hair tools


The Bendy Marvel


Secure.  All that is required next is to secure the Babyliss Hot Stick. Simply bend around and insert the rod end iinto the circle of rubber. Non-slip so the stick will stay nice and snug whilst cooling down and curling those sections of your vintage hair styles.


No pinning! Or clamping! Or gripping! Easy!



Perfect Vintage Hair Styles Of The 1920s And 1930s


Babyliss Hot Sticks are perfect for vintage hair styles of the 1920s and 1930s and produce tight crisp curls that can be manipulated beautifully into impressive finger waves which were of course popular at the time. The best thing about the Babyliss Hot Stick is that the curl produced is very similar to that of a pin curl set.


Vintage Hair Styles In A Fraction Of The Time


Pin curl sets were the method used in the 20s and 30s when setting hair during that era. Babyliss Hot Sticks are a super fast way to achieve accurate vintage hair styles without the time spent having to produce a wet set with drying time. So time is of the essence? Plug in a couple of sets of hot sticks and you are good to go. Vintage hair styles in a fraction of the time. BOOM!


setting hair, hot sticks, babyliss, vintage hair styles


Versatility Is In The Sticks


Just as discussed, the Babyliss Hot Sticks produce a tight dry curl although they are very versatile with a bit of setting know how technique. By altering the wind of the hair shaft, different styles can be accomplished. Long winding or twisting the hair when rolling will produce different effects.  Whenever tight curls are required reach for a set of sticks. HOT STICKS!


Glorious late Victorian and Edwardian style can be achieved. Other examples? Think Phantom Of The Opera or a 1980s acid perm style. Get your rock chick on.


Babyliss Hot Sticks can be bought at PAM Precious About Makeup and in my humble opinion are an absolute essential in anybody’s session kit. Don’t delay buy set today!


1930s, 1930s hair style, fingerwaves, vintage hair styles


When all the Babyliss Hot Sticks have been added to the entire head of hair, a short wait is all that is required to allow the whole thing to cool it’s engines. Once completely cool, remove and the hair is ready to be dressed. Dress to impress!




When hot sticks are first removed do not despair. Initially the hair will look like Shirley Temple after she has been hitting it hard. Real hard! Bad Shirley!


Just reach for a wide tooth comb and beat those curls into submission. Comb the whole hair through thoroughly to tame the beast and smooth everything down. Style as normal.


Buy! Play! Enjoy!


Philip Carson-Sheard

Wig Making Classes

WAM Studio
